In 1740, a British Man O’ War named HMS Wager set sail in search of a Spanish galleon reputed to be carrying vast amounts of treasure. An initial crew of 250 men set out but after ferocious storms around Cape Horn, running aground off Patagonia, starvation, disease and bitter infighting, only 145 survived – and many more died as one group abandoned the other and both went on to further hardship. Full of fascinating details about the workings of a Man O’ War, the miseries of their mission and the trial which came about after accusations of mutiny, this is utterly compelling.
- Format: Paperback / softback
- Publication Date: 17/05/2023
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster Ltd
- Illustrations: 2x8pp colour
- Country of Origin: United Kingdom
- Edition: Export/Airside
- Pages: 352
- Dimensions (mm): 234x153x23mm